ActionAid officially Exits Tandahimba and Newala

ActionAid Tanzania (AATZ) has officially bid farewell to its stakeholders in Tandahimba and Newala Districts after a journey of more than fifteen years of bringing change to communities. The event took place on 23rd March 2022 in Tandahimba and 24th March 2022 in Newala District
Tandahimba & Newala Local Rights Programme (LRPs) were started in 2002 and 2004 respectively. Three phases of strategic plans have been implemented to address poverty in the LRPs that have contributed to the national-level policy interventions in the process.
The farewell meetings in both districts were attended by various stakeholders whom AATZ worked with, including representatives of teachers, village leaders, community development facilitators, youth networks, women organizations, community groups, government departments, LGA, etc.
The aim of the farewell meeting was to mark the official end of AATZ programs and appreciate the successful engagement and cooperation of various stakeholders in both districts whose contribution has made AATZ work a success.
During the meeting, AATZ head of Programmes and Policy Jovina Nawenzake presented the work done by ActionAid over the period, the achievements, and the areas in which the government, citizens, and stakeholders need to continue to focus on for sustainability.
Speaking during the event, Tandahimba District Commissioner Hon. Patric Sawala appreciated AATZ for organizing the farewell event and for the contribution to development in Tandahimba District.
“You have done a great job of empowering the community, and you have contributed significantly to the education sector, agriculture, etc. I promise we will work with my fellow district leaders to continue all that you have done. District leaders come to my office so that we can talk and see how to implement them”. Said Hon Sawala
On their side, community members asked the district government to carry out all that has been established by AATz and to develop it including reflection Action circles, children's parliaments, women's organizations etc.
“Through the circles, ActionAid has built our capacity to mobilize and educate communities to identify and use the opportunities and resources available in their areas for development. We urge the government to use these circles to educate the community and also to establish circles in areas that do not yet exist”. advised Haroun Lada, facilitator for RAC.
For Newala District, a representative from the District Commissioner’s office Mr Danies Zenda appreciated AATZ for the great work they have done in Newala and for their cooperation. He also promised to work with the community to continue where AATZ has ended.
In the end, ActionAid issued certificates to various stakeholders as a sign of recognition and appreciation for their contribution to the success.
The LRP programs were funded mainly through the sponsorship funding mechanism where children are linked to supporters from Italy (Tandahimba ) and Greece (Newala). Implementation is mainly done at the village, ward, and district levels.