Our fifth Country Strategic Paper (2022 – 2026) seeks to re-establish our commitment to enable individual and collective empowerment in bringing about the resilient and just society by strengthening the work we have done to date.
Our long-term development commitments anchored in our grassroot programs will keep on being evident in Chamwino, singida, Mafia, Kilwa, Pemba and Unguja, where we influence communities for valuable participation and resources in ending the poverty, achieving just, equitable and sustainable social justice systems.
During this (2022-2026) strategic period, Gender Responsive Public Services and Inclusive Education AND Community Resilience and systems change for Climate Justice, are our two main priorities staged for actions.
ActionAid Tanzania has always strived and compelled to engage partners and scale up its areas of working to address strategic priorities to diversify it committed efforts to achieve its objectives, as a result Kibondo, Kasulu, Tanga, Kilosa and Mbozi have been encompassed to our program diversity.
Please read this paper to see how our actions are set for achievements………