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youth discussion

Youth development


The youth (age 15-35) are highly affected by extreme poverty resulting from high unemployment rates and lack of adequate participation in decision making processes that affect their life. Unleashing the potentials of youth is crucial for the nation building through their economic and political participation.

What we do

We work to:

  • Support youth  organizations to monitor the realization of progressive policies and strategies on decent work focusing among others on the UN Guiding Principles for effective elimination of discriminations  based on decent work and SDG 8 
  • Work with communities , young women and man coalitions, networks and alliances to generate a movement of solidarity around decent employment and youth access to productive resources. 
  • Develop the capacity of youth to promote decent employment for youth and campaign for decent work 
  • Advocate for increased budget allocation and effective utilization to youth economic empowerment
  • Incentivize innovative and  job creation models by providing seed capital and awards excellences in the formal and informal sectors to promote replication of the learning