ActionAid Tanzania's Country Strategy Paper III
This strategy builds on strength and lessons learnt from the previous strategy, and fully alligned to Peoples Action to End Poverty, the ActionAid International Strategy 2012-2017 which has been main

ActionAid Tanzania 2014 Annual Report
This report summarises the organisations perfomance in the year 2014 in areas of programmes and organisational development.It highlights priorities set for the year, key implemented actions and core

Promoting Quality Education Through Progressive Domestic Resource Mobilisation Project- Launch Event Report
ActionAid Tanzania is implementing a three years education program (2015-2017) titled Promoting Quality Education Through Domestic Resource Mobilisation funded by NORAD. The main objective of the

Still Racing Towards the Bottom
The report summarises What progress has been made since 2012 in reducing tax incentives in East Africa, and have governments kept their promises?

Women To Kilimanjaro
The Kilimanjaro Initiative is a rural women’s mobilisation from across Africa towards an iconic moment at the foot of Mt Kilimanjaro in October 2016. With access to and control over land and natural

ActionAid Tanzania 2015 Annual Report
ActionAid Tanzania has been implementing its Country Strategic Paper III(CSP III) since the beginning of 2014.Accordingly, the 2015 Annual Report is informed by the CSP III,strategies of the local

AATZ Bi-Annual Newsletter
This issue contains updates on organisational processes and development and narrates achievements and impacts of AATZ work in the last six months of the year

Citizen's Education Report For Tanzania
This Citizen's Education Report identifies the extent to which Tanzania's children, especially girls, are accessing good quality primary education, and recommends improvements, notably in government

AATZ 2016 Annual Report
The 2016 annual plan was third of its kind towards rolling out the organisation Country Strategy paper III that defined priorities for the period from 2014-2018.The plan was informed by directions set

Bi- Annual Newsletter
It is a dedicated piece of work to document processes and achievements on the organisation's deliveries in the first half of 2017 to share with audience