Implication of Biofuels Production on Food Security in Tanzania
This research gives an overview over the consequences of biofuel production on the food security situation in Tanzania

Ukuta wa Ukimya: Uchunguzi wa awali kuhusu ukatili dhidi ya wanawake Kaskazini Unguja na Kaskazini Pemba
Katika kipindi cha miaka mitano iliyopita, Serikali ya Zanzibar imeanzisha jumuiya/vituo kadhaa muhimu vya kushughulikia Ukatili Dhidi ya Wanawake kama vile Kamati za Ukatili wa Kijinsia, Mtandao wa

Wall of Silence: A look at violence against women in Northern Zanzibar
A culture of shame and silence surrounds VAW in communities in North Unguja and North Pemba. This makes it extremely difficult to determine the prevalence of VAW and also leads to a problem of under

Privacy policy
ActionAid International ("AAI," "ActionAid", “the Federation”, "We", "Us", "Our") understands and values the importance of individual privacy. At ActionAid We are strongly committed to protecting the
Providing opportunities access basic education to children in difficult circumstances
This report looks at the outcome of ACCESS, which is an acronym for Appropiate, Cost-effective Centres for Education within the School System.

ACCESS – Kutoa fursa ya upatikanaji wa Elimu ya Msingi kwa watoto walio katika mazingira magumu
Ripoti hii inaangalia matokeo ya Utoaji wa Elimu inayofaa kwenye vituo maalum kwa kufuata mfumo wa kawaida wa Shule na kwa gharama nafuu.

Global Week of Action 2007
This report gives an overview of the activities carried out in connection with the Global Week of Action 2007 in Tanzania

People For Change:Inspirators Success Stories
Through the funding from DANIDA managed by ActionAid Denmark, AATZ partners and staff have been supported on capacity building and mentorship from the P4C programme through placement of Inspirators

Take Action:Stop EcoEnergy's Land Grab in Bagamoyo
Rural communities in the Bagamoyo district of Tanzania are opposing a much-lauded sugar cane plantation project planned by EcoEnergy, a Swedish-owned company that has secured a lease of over 20,000

National Women Forum Report 2015
ActionAid Tanzania (AATZ) in collaboration with TGNP conducted a National Women Forum from 14th-15th June 2015. The forum which brought together women from across the country both national and local